Friday, April 8, 2011


ANGER... like many emotions, often seems to be complex combination of feelings and sensations rather than a simple, straight-foward reaction to a current situation... and there are many different ways in which it apparently manifests... I believe that there are two basic emotions, LOVE and FEAR, and that every thought and action arises from either one... but I also believe that anger can come from BOTH of these states. Sometimes, anger is your Spirit's way of saying "NO THANK YOU." Especially for those of us with Indigo characteristics, we may have built up a lot of rage and aggression in our minds and bodies, because when you are basically a walking human lie detector, self-aware to the point where your stomach physically hurts if you speak or act against your inner truth and knowing, and eyes that can see with x-ray vision into the hearts of people, situations and institutions, 'feeling' (yeah we feel a LOT...) instantaneously their level of integrity and alignment with love and Oneness. Many of us grew up with the feeling of being too old for our age, acutely aware of the contradictory answers thrown at us by the adults, and with a growing uneasiness and anger when we began to realise that these people in power, our parents, our teachers, our doctors and our governments, who had often told us to shut up and listen, were talking from fear, from ego and from memory, passed on by their own parents, teachers and leaders. There comes a point where you suddenly wake up and say to yourself "oh shit... if everything I've ever been taught is a lie, what is the truth?" Anger is not considered an appropriate response in our society either. Most probably because the kind of spiritual anger, discussed before, would threaten to disconnect the safety net of the status quo, and shock the system out of it's false security. So much of our anger gets suppressed. This is because we are so afraid to be outcast, abandoned and unloved if we dare to express ourselves. However, there comes a point where the pressure becomes so strong, the spirit craves authenticity so acutely, that aloneness is a risk worth taking... and the truth is, that as soon as you begin to raise your voice, with assertiveness and awareness, you attract angelic assistance and other humans who understand and support you on deep levels, you are not alone... So next time you feel the blood in your veins begin to boil, when you feel like smashing your head (or in extreme situations someone else's...) against a brick wall, remember that the wall is just a symbol of all the times you were told that you were wrong to feel what you were feeling, to say what you were saying, to be what you were being... so be yourself, don't judge yourself or feel guilty for what you feel, let it come and let it go... go smash a drum kit, kick a football, write a song (or a blog...) walk outside, hug a tree, drink some tea, and know that your soul is always free, so... JUST BE................................................................... O:)

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